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Tesco is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to supporting all applicants.
Note: We reserve the right at any time prior to or during your employment to verify your answer to this question to the extent permitted by law.
To comply with health and safety legislation, we are only able to employ colleagues over the age of 18 for this role. Please confirm that you are aged 18 or over for this purpose.
Please select from the drop down
4 numbers long
Full name
Email if possible
Does not need to be exact if not known (rough estimation)

It's also worth reading our Privacy Policy so you understand how we collect and use your personal data

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Register to:

  • Create a comprehensive candidate profile and upload your CV to promote yourself effectively to our recruitment teams
  • Be instantly and continuously matched to the latest Tesco jobs based on your profile and aspirations
  • Receive real-time email and profile alerts when a potential opportunity becomes available
  • View and manage your applications
  • Enjoy a host of communication and networking tools